  1. Help Center
  2. AS Management
  3. AS Configurations
  4. Using an Existing ECS to Create an AS Configuration

Using an Existing ECS to Create an AS Configuration

You can use an existing ECS to rapidly create an AS configuration. In such a case, the parameter settings, such as the vCPUs, memory, image, disk, and ECS type, in the AS configuration are the same as those of the selected ECS by default.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Under Computing, click Auto Scaling.
  3. Click Create AS Configuration.
  4. Set the parameters for the AS configuration. Table 1 describes the AS configuration parameters.
    Table 1 AS configuration parameters



    Example Value


    Specifies the name of an AS configuration.


    Configuration Template

    Select Use specifications of an existing ECS and click Select ECS. The type, vCPUs, Memory, Image, and Disk of the ECSs created based on the AS configuration will be the same as those of the ECS you select.

    Use specifications of an existing ECS


    A static public IP address bound to an ECS in a VPC. Using the EIP, the ECS provides services externally.

    The following options are provided:
    • Do not use

      An ECS without an EIP cannot access the Internet. However, it can still be used as a service ECS deployed in a cluster or on a private network.

    • Automatically assign

      An EIP with exclusive bandwidth is automatically assigned to each ECS. The bandwidth size is configurable.

    Automatically assign

    Login Mode

    An ECS can be authorized using a key pair or a password.
    • Key pair

      In this mode, keys are used for authenticating the users who attempt to log in to target ECSs. If you select this mode, create or import a key pair on the Key Pair page.


      If you use an existing key, make sure that you have saved the key file locally. Otherwise, logging in to the ECS will fail.

    • Password

      In this mode, the initial password of user root (for Linux) or user Administrator (for Windows) is used for authentication. You can log in to an ECS using the username and its initial password.


    File Injection

    Enables the system to automatically inject a script file or other files into a specified directory on an ECS when you create the ECS. This configuration is optional.

    • For Linux, specify the path for storing the injected file, for example /etc/foo.txt.
    • For Windows, the injected file is automatically stored in the root directory of disk C. You only need to specify the file name, such as foo. The file name can contain only letters and digits.


    User Data Injection

    Enables the ECS to automatically inject user data when the ECS starts for the first time. This configuration is optional.


  5. Click Create Now. The Confirm Specifications page is displayed.
  6. Confirm the AS configuration and click Confirm Application.

    The system displays a message indicating that the AS configuration has been created and switches to the AS Configurations page. You can view the newly created AS configuration on the AS Configurations page.

  7. If you want to use the newly created AS configuration, add it to the AS group. For details, see section Replacing an AS Configuration in an AS Group.
  8. (Optional) Enable the AS group.

    If the AS group is in Disabled state, enable it. For details, see section Enabling an AS Group.